Counterbalance forklift trucks (FLTs) are widely used in a variety of industry sectors for material handling. Incidents involving FLTs are typically vehicle/pedestrian, vehicle/vehicle, or vehicle/structure collisions. Of these, vehicle/pedestrian incidents have the most potential for reportable injury and around 500 incidents a year involving moving FLTs are reported to HSE.

Measures to improve or augment the operator’s field of vision can include: mirrors and CCTV Camera systems (which rely on the operator’s observations) and sensor systems (including ultrasonic, radar), similar to those commonly fitted to passenger vehicles; or simply improving the driver’s operating position.

Lintech developed a special ultrasonic and radar sensor, compatible with reversing aid vision camera system and alarm buzzer to reduce the risk of collisions.
The radar sensor control box is waterproof IP67 design, and 12~24V DC can undertake heavy duty vehicle’s larger current fluctuation impact.


Container forklift parking sensor camera system 2
Container forklift parking sensor camera system
Forklift truck reverse sensor systems
Forklift truck reverse sensor systems
Container-forklift-Radar-sensor-control box
Container-forklift-Radar-sensor-control box
 Container forklift parking sensor camera system

Container forklift parking sensor camera system

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