77Ghz Mm-Wave Radar for Cars Blind Spot Detection BSD Radar system

This Mini single BSD Radar is Very powerful performance! Easy install just like a Rear view camera. You don’t need to remov the rear bumper.

Zero labor cost and save your time. Friendly for DIY end users installation. Just contact Lintech Kysail to get it and help your driving safety!

What Is The Blind Spot Detection System Installation Cost?
There isn’t any specific price to install blind spot detection systems. It depends on the complexity of the procedure. The more difficult the process is, the more expensive will be the cost of blind spot system installation.

The blind spots system installation cost is 100 $ to 250 $.
Our 77Ghz Radar blind spot monitoring system installation procedure does not need any additional help. Most of end users can be done by themselves free of cost.

  • It does not include any intense technical procedure. Simple connection and arrangement of wires can ensure error-free installation. The self-installation is ideal for the following systems.

If need any assist please contact with us will provide the technicial supports.

77Ghz Radar for Car BSD Blind Spot Monitoring
77Ghz Radar for Car BSD Blind Spot Monitoring
Car BSD Radar System Detection range
Car BSD Radar System Detection range
Car BSD Radar System Detection range
Car BSD Radar System Detection range


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