There are many car Rear view cameras sold on the market advertise their large view angle lens, claiming that their lenses can reach 120 degrees, 150 degrees, or even 170 degrees.
In fact, their claimed the view angle is Diagonal view angle, not the Horizontal view angle, that’s cunning not clarify the difference between diagonal and horizontal view angle.
Below picture will tell you what is the Diagonal / Horizontal and Vertical angle:
As we can see that:
- Horizontal angle determines how wide driver can see;
- Vertical angle determines how far driver can see;
Diagonal angle value is larger, but it doesn’t mean anything.
So how to measure the horizontal view angle of these car cameras? Please see below:
Lintech Rear View Camera’s View Angle Measurement Method:
- Print an A4 paper angle indicator card. (You can download pdf from here.)
- Connect camera & screen and power ON.
- Put Camera on the angle indicator card, move the camera back and forth at the angle markings.
- Observe the screen image, if the Two black dots of the indicator card appear on the left and right edges of the screen, then we can see the camera on indicator card corresponding the value is the horizontal angle of this camera.
Step 1: Print an A4 paper angle indicator card
Step 2: Connect camera & screen and power ON.
Step 3: Put Camera on the angle indicator card, move the camera back and forth at the angle markings
We got the Horizontal view = 105 degree.